At Candor we provide advisory consulting services in a boutique format that aims at delivering solutions to businesses centered around capital formation, conservation and allocation, cash flow management, structuring and restructuring of business transactions, risk mitigation, managing stressed assets, and many more allied services such as sourcing, syndication and restructuring of debt.

Our service offerings are research-based, customized, innovative and implementable to improve overall effectiveness of businesses with multi-situational capabilities. Clearly we see that businesses who are digitally savvy can harness the power of growth with data analytics. In this risk management is a critical finance capability that is at the core of our consulting services.

Our broad spectrum of practice areas include authorization, business formation, backoffice support, assurance, compliance support, risk management, financial tooling, bankruptcy, mediation, regulatory reporting, and fund administration. We always tailor our practice areas to fit the clients needs

We work within the possibilities of digital disruptive forces that causes the fast paced shifts in business operations. In this pursuit we work collaboratively with all the stakeholders to improve overall financial effectiveness of businesses by assessing the organization’s ability to deliver on its digital strategy.

Our boutique format enables the unthinkable to be made possible by constantly challenging ourselves to deliver more to our clients.