Operation Solutions

Candor Operations combines technology that digitizes and automates business processes, unlocks actionable insights, and enable your

    • Sales growth
    • Easy e-tailing
    • Easy financing
    • Effortless contract management of your industry
    • Incubating Start-ups

With our deep industry, functional and technical expertise. So you can confidently chart your course to consuming your core business services on demand, accelerate innovation and speed to market.

Our Services

Are you the organisation who is looking for enabling your

  • Sales force for tomorrow
  • Improves sales team productivity
  • Re Aligns sales force behaviour
  • Builds a platform for everyday culture

Our sales enabler program helps in increase in sales up to 25% in 3 months and it delivers

Higher Engagement

  • Adoption
  • Usage
  • Activity Instances

Better Involvement

  • Behaviour Instances
  • Point economics
  • lead indicators

Improved Impact

  • Business impact
  • Output KPIs
  • Outcome Instances

As your business’s sales enabler, Candor ensures

For Sales

  • Enhanced adoption of your CRM investment
  • Drive Results through wider sales funnel, higher conversion rate and faster funnel velocity
  • Deliver real collaboration, consistent sales behaviour and increase engagement across sales teams

For Supplier

  • Deliver Enhanced supplier OTIF performance
  • Drive compliance through increased supplier collaboration
  • Enhanced buyer-supplier engagement

For Enterprise

  • Deploy NexGen innovation programs across enterprise
  • Seamless engagement across organization
  • Build sustained interest in enterprise innovation programs

Increasing internet penetration and relative better economic performance, helping India to be the better E-commerce platform and India’s e-Commerce revenue is expected to jump from $30 billion in 2016 to $120 billion in 2020, growing at an annual rate of 51%, the highest in the world.

Candor servicing the E-com platform organizations in

  • Import / Local Purchase: candor purchases from within India and also from different countries like China, Malaysia, etc
  • Customs clearance : Candor clears the imported products from customs office to the warehouse
  • Clearing Customs refund claims
  • Stock controlling: stock audit done periodically which helps to control the stock thoroughly
  • E-Sugams : online process/documentation to movement of stock from different location
  • Form C/F: respective documents for movement of stock
  • Warehouse facility
  • Vat filing in different states as per sales and more

We help in connecting corporate and their Supply Chain to FI for cost effective Trade Financing of their payables and receivables.

We drive Financing

  • Easy
  • Digital
  • Fast

We work with the Corporate to identify buy or sell side financing requirement for its supply chain. Similarly work with the FI and the Corporate to define a credit line and structure. Finally configures contracts and workflows between parties and installs a software agent and digital certificate at every endpoint for electronic document exchange

As a corporate enjoy the benefits like

  • Faster rollout-Business benefits to distribution chain
  • Quicker sales realization and lower DSO
  • Electronic Invoicing and data integration, no mail float
  • Automated Invoice to Payment Reconciliation
  • No direct interest costs to Corporate
  • Acceptance and payment alerts, MIS reports

As a Dealer enjoy the benefits like

  • Higher business volumes with financing support
  • Limited Financial Due Diligence
  • None or minimal collateral
  • Access to low cost working capital
  • Instant funding post Invoice acceptance
  • Automated Invoice to Payment Reconciliation
  • Regular Reports on trade and outstanding loans

Candor offers an enterprise-class web application capable of efficiently managing contracts and obligations which allows creation and management of Contract Attributes (Metadata), Contractual Obligations, and Litigations and Appeals arising from contracts.

Organizations can easily capture Contract Metadata and attach it to various levels within an organization hierarchy (like Division, Department etc.). Additional custom attributes as well as custom contract types can be added and an intuitive tree view with drill-down capability helps navigate to any specific contract.

Obligations grouped by the contract are available in one location with all the details and related documents. Adding new Obligations to track and manage is a breeze with the inbuilt search functionality directly against the contract text. Obligations can also be added from a predefined list or they can be entered manually.

Some of the key features

  • Work flow based system
    • Easily Configurable Workflows
    • Dashboard view of pending items
    • Configurable Custom Attributes
  • Document Management
    • Repository of contract documents
    • Document preview and obligation extraction
  • Alerts & Management
    • Email alerts with appropriate escalation
    • Configurable schedules
  • Dashboard & Reports
    • View Contract Details
    • Drill down capability
  • Search Utility
    • Search keywords, documents, comments
    • Tree view of contracts
  • User Management
    • Role based access
    • Form based authentication
    • User mapping

To support early stage entrepreneurs leverage and build technology start-ups to find solutions to real problems to change societal value, Candor Management Services joined hands with BMRCL and led to the birth of new venture candorHUB. candorHUB is an incubation ecosystem that put’s your start-up on the FAST TRACK at Trinity Metro Station.

By providing comfortable co-working space candorHUB provides necessary support to start-ups to thrive.